lavender extend beyond decorative uses. As you read through this list, notice the products listed that are available for purchase in the Farm Shed.
Harvesting lavender flowers and buds, I then use this for making tinctures. Tinctures are the base for most of my formulas when making lavender products.
One of the key benefits of lavender is its relaxing, soothing properties. Lavender makes a terrific treatment for relaxing sore muscles, encouraging a good night’s sleep or relieving tension headaches. Rub lavender oil onto muscles or temples for relief, or dot it on a cloth and slip it inside your pillow case for a soothing night’s sleep. Lavender Sauve, Roll-Ons, Lavender Essential Oil.
Another benefit of lavender is to relieve itching and swelling of insect bites. Lavender can take the sting out bee stings and sunburns. Lavender also makes a good treatment for minor burns, helping to keep infection at bay and reducing inflammation. A medical benefit of lavender is as a wound wash. Lavender provides good germ-fighting properties and also promotes healing. Fix-It, Insect Repellent Spritz
In the garden, take advantage of the benefits of lavender flowers in beckoning pollinators. Place lavender bushes strategically near a vegetable garden to lure bees and other pollinators. SAVE THE BEES
Don’t overlook lavender's culinary benefits in the kitchen. Certain varieties of lavender flowers bring a sweetly spicy flavor to tea blends and lemonade. Savor lavender in honey or butter on pancakes, toast or in cookie recipes. Lavender Buds, Tea Bags, Lavender Infused Sugar, Lavender Extract, Olive Oil
Lavender's fresh scent can be useful in home cleaning. Dried lavender plus orange or lemon peels in a pot of boiling water can freshen a home, and tossing lavender sachets into the dryer can scent laundry. Ground lavender buds added to baking soda for a carpet deodorizer and freshener is awesome. Refresh-Relax Room Spray , Linen Spray
And now you know about some of the benefits of lavender too!
